Setting up your studio, a difficult but not impossible mission. To feel good, no function should be neglected, especially sleep, which is essential to your well-being. Discover three sleeping ideas to sleep well in a studio and enjoy your entire interior space, day and night!
How to sleep well in a studio?
A studio is a one-room apartment where your living room, your bedroom, your kitchen and sometimes even your bathroom coexist. As opposed to houses where each room has its function, in a studio you have to manage to fit everything in the same room. Space is very limited, you have to find tips to feel good there. It is very important not to overload your studio to fall into the arms of Morpheus.

Sleeping in a studio: focus on the essentials!
The size of a bedroom is one of the main factors that affect the quality of sleep. If you feel oppressed, you will have difficulty falling asleep. It is therefore essential to respect certain rules:
- Clearly define your needs: To save space in a room that plays several roles, you need to arrange it according to your way of life and your habits. By defining the corners of the studio where you will spend the most time, you can also get an idea of the size of the furniture you need. If you love relaxing in front of the television or sleeping in, you will prefer a large bed rather than a single bed.
- Purify your interior: Get rid of what you don't use! The studio is not a room where you can store things you don't use. The golden rule in a studio is to abandon the superfluous and keep only the essential.
- Tidy up daily: The smaller your apartment, the more you will need to allocate a defined place for everything. All coats, jackets and shoes should be stored in a closed closet and avoid piling things up on top of closets. This allows you to find your belongings more easily, and to enlarge your studio, both visually and physically. If you lack storage, there may be unoccupied corners in your living space that need to be rethought. For example, you can hang a shelf above a door, add storage boxes under the bed, etc.
Rethink the intelligence of your space
Every corner of the apartment must have its function. The trick, if possible, is to separate the different corners of the studio using a bookcase, a Japanese panel or plants for example.

If the surface area does not allow you to provide space for each function, convertible furniture allows you to free up space when one of the furniture's functions is not used. Thus, certain corners of your apartment can evolve throughout your day, according to your needs. These multifunctional pieces of furniture offer numerous design possibilities.
For example, an extendable lift table will allow you to have a nice coffee table for the living room that will fold out into a large dining table to entertain your friends for dinner. Convertible furniture is very practical so as not to neglect any function of your apartment, and to make you feel good at home.
Good to know: We spend around a third of our lives sleeping. You should therefore not ignore your sleeping area!
The convertible sofa: the timeless
The concept of the convertible sofa
A convertible sofa is a sofa that turns into a bed. It is a very practical piece of furniture to transform your living room into a bedroom whenever you need it. When the convertible sofa is open, it reveals a real sleeping area, so you must choose it with a quality mattress, count from 13 centimeters thick for daily sleeping!

When choosing your convertible sofa, it is also important to check that the sofa provides seating worthy of a real sofa. If any of the uses are neglected, your daily well-being will suffer. On a convertible sofa, the structure is important because of its convertible mechanism, so you have to ensure its comfort.
And for that, there's nothing like sitting on it. Testing a convertible sofa closed or open invites you to find the seating comfort you need and the base for which your sleep is made. A convertible sofa can have a slatted or grid base... the choice is yours.
Good to know: You need to distinguish the convertible sofa from the BZ and sofa bed convertible benches. For the convertible sofa, the seat is independent of the mattress, for the convertible benches, the seat is made up of the mattress folded in two for the sofa bed, and in three, for the BZ.
For more comfort, discover how to choose the right mattress for a convertible sofa .
An increasingly fluid opening
Even if it requires a little maneuvering every morning and evening to move it, the convertible sofa opens almost without making the slightest effort. Manufacturers are constantly creating the most ergonomic mechanics possible to reduce handling as much as possible. On the convertible sofas called "Rapido", you simply pull out the bed to lie down. It is no longer necessary to remove the cover from the sofa or to remove the cushions from the seat to convert your sofa into a bed.

Good to know: In its early days, the conversion mechanism for convertible sofas was made of wood. Very heavy and difficult to handle, it was not until the 1980s that the first lighter metal tuners appeared.
The trundle bed: a timeless one
The concept of the trundle bed
The classic trundle bed is a sofa whose seat is a single bed. It has a large drawer under the box spring in which a second bed is hidden. Once pulled out, this second bed is found at the level of the first, thanks to a folding mechanism. The second bed can be attached to the first, offering the same sleeping possibilities as a large bed, or remain independent.
For the record: The word “gigogne” comes from the Latin gignere: to give birth. By analogy, it means "which is made up of several elements, each of which fits into the previous one", like Russian dolls!
The trundle bed: storage or additional beds?
The trundle bed is the solution to optimize the free space left under the bed. When you forget to organize this surface, it quickly turns into a catch-all. Not Feng Shui at all!
Angolo trundle bed with drawers
You can therefore slide in either a mattress or storage drawers. Very practical, the trundle bed allows you to save significant space in a studio, with complete comfort and aesthetics.
The bed cupboard: the architectural
The concept of the bed cabinet
It's a Murphy bed, hidden behind a cabinet front. A bed cabinet can accommodate a single bed, a double bed or even two bunk beds.
It has two main advantages:
- It offers the same characteristics as the traditional bed whose mattress varies from 18 to 22cm, depending on the model.
- It is improbable: anyone who has never seen one will have difficulty guessing which contains a bed inside!
Essential points for choosing the right wardrobe bed
Before choosing your bed cabinet, it is essential to clearly define the space you want to occupy and the function you want to give it. It can be used alone or combined with other furniture. There are many variations of bed cupboards: versions with a sofa (very useful for entertaining during the day), with a table for working or eating, bunk bed versions... On its own, the bed cupboard is also very practical for creating a partition and giving a little privacy to your sleeping area. This smart piece of furniture can revolutionize any small space!

So-called extra-flat bed cabinets require special security. Whether they are pivoting or open horizontally or vertically, they need to be fixed to a sound wall, not necessarily load-bearing. The only bed cabinets that do not require wall mounting are deeper and called "freestanding."
To find out everything about this space-saving piece of furniture, discover the opinion of our bed cabinet expert, Celyne Perret