Choisir un lit estrade : la marche à suivre

Choosing a platform bed: the procedure to follow

The Murphy bed
In the category of space-saving beds , the folding wall bed is the star. We also talk about a bed cabinet. Ideal for saving space, this modular piece of furniture simplifies the layout of all your rooms. Among the other models of retractable bedding , other beds also make a difference. The platform bed, for example, is particularly popular for children's or teenagers' bedrooms. It also exists in an adult version, for spectacular space saving. How to choose a platform bed? We guide you.

What is a platform bed?

The platform bed can be recognized by its particular appearance: it has no legs and the mattress is simply placed on a large wooden frame, like a platform. The latter can be the exact size of the mattress or be larger, to provide additional space. It is thus possible to arrange part of the podium with storage, for example. Inside the structure, the idea is to provide drawers, cupboards and shelves to store all your belongings. The platform bed should not be confused with the mezzanine or the combined bed.

The advantages of the platform bed

In a bedroom, the bed occupies a significant part of the room. With a classic bed on legs, all the space underneath is wasted. Worse: it generally collects dust. The platform bed allows you to take advantage of the bulk of the bedding . The bed increases in height and underneath, various storage spaces are arranged. The platform bed then becomes a central place in the room , practical and stylish at the same time. It allows you to create a sleeping area separate from the rest of the room.

Choosing a platform bed for a child

Children love platform beds . This piece of furniture allows them to sleep in a cozy and cocooning space, which dominates the entire room. For a child, on the other hand, it is advisable not to choose a platform bed that is too high , so that it remains easily accessible and in complete safety. Choose a model with plenty of closed storage (cupboards or drawers).

Choosing a platform bed for adults

Previously reserved for children, the platform bed comes out of the little ones' bedroom to colonize other rooms in your apartment or house. We find it more and more in adult bedrooms : it's a big trend at the moment. Decoration magazines put it in the spotlight and the objective is no longer always to save space, but also to add a real architectural design touch to the interior of the room. Thus, the platform bed can now be installed in both small rooms and those with a larger surface area. Made to measure, the platform bed allows you to separate spaces in a room.

The configuration of the platform bed

Height, dimensions, storage: there are plenty of important elements to choose from to configure your platform bed . First of all: height. The platform bed can be slightly raised and thus remain easily accessible without effort. Its height is entirely adjustable according to your wishes. Some models are much higher and therefore require a ladder or steps to reach the bed. Be careful, however, in rooms with low ceiling height! As for the dimensions of the platform bed, everything will depend on the size of the room. You have to stay within reasonable proportions.

The design of the platform bed

The platform bed is a very fashionable piece of furniture. You can find lots of inspiration online for its decoration! Let your creativity speak: anything is possible. The structure of your platform bed can have different coverings and colors, depending on your tastes. Rather refined, the platform bed with white furniture will bring brightness and enlarge the space. The platform bed in dark wood species will allow you to go to bed in a small cocoon with a natural and authentic style. Little decoration tips will then help you to highlight the bed in the room: for example, you can install it against a colored wall or provide a section of wallpaper.

Sleeping on the platform bed

Design and storage are important criteria in your choice of platform bed. Finally, you will also have to choose the bed . The platform bed is a piece of furniture designed for regular use: therefore choose a quality mattress, adapted to the body shape and habits of the person for whom it is intended. Choose a model with an integrated slatted base , for optimal breathing of the bedding. Some platform beds actually plan to place the mattress directly on a wooden frame. Furnishing a bedroom becomes child's play thanks to the platform bed and its multiple possibilities. Choosing a folding furniture bed Choosing a suspended bed Choosing a built-in bed Choosing a storage bed

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