Faire la sieste au travail

Taking a nap at work

Well-being and furnishing

Long taboo in the workplace, napping at work is slowly rearing its head in professional circles. Secret, accepted, mocked, encouraged or outsourced, the nap remains a subject that deserves to be addressed...


The number one misconception regarding napping at work is that it is the adage of lazy people. Taking a nap at the office would be proof that the employee is disinvesting in his work, in favor of his sleep. However, it is recognized that a short nap promotes better concentration, ideal for those who practice it rather than fighting against a natural need to recharge their batteries and thus work in poor conditions.

Health, mood and productivity are the central issues of a good nap. Knowing how to indulge in a restorative rest would indeed allow you to better prepare yourself to work calmly and efficiently. Fifteen to twenty minutes of nap time is enough to add momentum to your workday.


Depending on your situation, here are four solutions to enjoy a nap at the office:

Company nap room

They are entering the world of work in France timidly, among start-ups but also in large groups. Adopted by companies, managers and employees convinced of its benefits, the nap room allows those who wish to recharge their batteries for a few minutes in a calm environment conducive to relaxation.


The room can be equipped with beanbags, deck chairs, or even mattresses for dozing in an optimal position. A dim light will also accompany you as you fall asleep.

  • Please note : use of the room is not obligatory, and remains regulated by the labor code, your nap time will thus be deducted from your break time.

Taking a nap at work, in your office


For professionals who work for themselves or those who have their own individual office in a company, it is possible to equip themselves with adaptive furniture to take short breaks.

The key element of a nap-friendly office is the relaxation chair. In a seated position it offers an ergonomic working position. It will easily convert into a relaxation chair by tilting its structure horizontally. While the seat moves forward, the backrest will lean backwards, to allow you to lie down.


Outsourced nap

Little new thing in the world of naps: external spaces dedicated to professional naps! Spaces where working people can go and enjoy several tens of minutes of nap outside of their company, in return for paying for the rental of a room or a bed.


A good solution for those who would not dare to display their nap in their work environment, these spaces for rent give you access to comfortable furniture, as well as personalized lighting and sound ambiances.

  • Good to know : you can take your nap in a collective space or in an individual space for a few extra euros.

The emergency micro nap


If napping at work is not well received in your company, your body will still make you feel the need to rest. Without a nap, it will be even more difficult to stay focused. And although your colleagues probably won't dare admit it, the express nap out of sight is still a shared secret. However, this practice is becoming more popular in the world of work.

From taking a bathroom break to rest for a few moments, to reserving a meeting room alone to take a discreet nap, there are many little tips for recharging your batteries without arousing too much suspicion!


  • Please note : don't forget that your break time is regulated by your company, and that the allocation of dedicated space or the tolerance of naps first and foremost involves inter-company discussion. Breaking the taboo might just improve the quality of your nap and your work.

Finally, know that naps do not replace lack of sleep. It is therefore necessary that you sleep enough and properly at night! So your naps will also be effective in a short time.

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