Installer une chauffeuse pour coucher vos invités

Install a fireside chair to put your guests to bed

The BZ

The biggest advantage of the bz bench seat is that it is available in different sizes. There are therefore 1-seater bz and two-seater bz. This particularity is a fundamental difference between clic-clac and bz and gives the bench great versatility.

The advantages of the 1-seater bz, compact and practical

The 1-seater bz has all the advantages of the bz bench seat . It is compact and practical. It offers great reliability and its mechanics are very easy to handle. In the version for one person, it constitutes a very comfortable armchair which will find its place in a bedroom as well as in a living room or an office. For reading, playing or studying, the bz chair is a real seat with a nice wide seat covered with a washable fabric cover. It constitutes an ideal extra bed to keep a friend of your child sleeping, or a friend passing through.

What sleeping comfort does a 1 BZD single bed offer?

The bz 1 place once unfolded constitutes a real bed. Much more than an extra bed , it allows you to sleep comfortably even on a daily basis. The bed base is made up of wooden slats like classic bedding. It is simply hinged to allow the bed to be converted into a seat. The mattress is placed on the box spring and is used for sitting and sleeping. For optimal comfort, it is made of particularly resistant and durable high resilience foam. The thickness of the mattress depends on the model chosen, it can reach 15 cm and allow regular sleeping.

Other solutions: fireside chair and inflatable mattress

There are other solutions for installing an extra bed in your home. The fireside chair works like the one-seater bz, but does not have a frame. It is easy to move and light. The inflatable mattress is another option to consider if you don't have the space to install any furniture.

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