Comment ouvrir et fermer un clic-clac ?

How to open and close a sofa bed?

The Futon sofa bed

Opening and closing a click-clack takes a few seconds with the right gestures . Before opening a sofa bed , you must remove your sofa bed from the wall in order to lower the back of the sofa. To close with a click-clack , raise the backrest perpendicular to the seat of the sofa.

The right gestures to easily open a click-clack

To enjoy comfortable sleeping in just a few seconds, the sofa bed opens very easily. Due to its opening system towards the rear of the sofa, provide a sufficiently large space in front of the sofa bed to transform it into a bed. If the click-clack is in the closed position and stuck to a wall, remove it from the wall before opening it. If the sofa bed is installed in the middle of the room, provide sufficient space in front and behind the sofa bed. To open the sofa bed and enjoy comfortable sleeping, bring the back of the sofa towards the seat until you hear 2 clicks . You can then extend the backrest to transform the convertible sofa into a bed.

Easily close a click-clack to enjoy a sofa

To close a sofa bed, you must first remove from the mattress all the bedding that you had added to sleep comfortably, such as:
  • pillows ;
  • A duvet ;
  • a blanket;
  • etc.
Once your bed contains only the mattress and the sofa bed cover, you can close it by bringing the back of the sofa towards the seat until you hear a single click . Then check that the backrest is securely locked perpendicular to the seat. Depending on the configuration and layout of the room, you can then push the sofa bed towards a wall to save space. You can also replace your cushions and throws previously removed from the bed.

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