Peut-on mettre un matelas classique sur un lit escamotable ?

Can you put a classic mattress on a Murphy bed?

The Murphy bed

A Murphy bed can accommodate all types of mattresses. You can therefore choose a classic mattress for your lift bed. As with any other bed, you will need to consider the dimensions, density and material of the mattress for quality sleep on a Murphy bed.

Mattress models for a wardrobe bed

A fold-down bed that hides in a wall, in the ceiling or in a wardrobe has a base, often with slats, similar to a classic bed. You can therefore install a classic mattress model , whether foam or latex.

The type of mattress chosen therefore depends above all on your own needs. Several questions will then allow you to determine which model will be the most comfortable: is the foldaway bed intended for a child or an adult? What level of firmness do you want? Is the wardrobe bed intended for occasional sleeping or does it fit into the children's bedroom?

Points to watch out for when purchasing a folding bed mattress

Unlike a classic bed, however, you must pay attention to the height (or thickness) of the mattress for a Murphy bed system . Indeed, even if you can install a classic mattress, you must remember that in the “storage” position, the entire bed will have to fit in the piece of furniture that accommodates it.

So calculate the depth of the cabinet precisely, so that the thickness of the mattress matches. Also remember to subtract a few centimeters from the thickness of the bedding if you want to leave enough room for the duvet and cushions when you close the bed.

Choosing the right mattress for a vertical or horizontal opening bed

By having taken all the correct dimensions of the wall bed, you will be able to choose a traditional mattress that meets your needs at the best price from any bedding company. But to be sure not to make a mistake and to save time, you can purchase a complete Murphy bed .

Manufacturers and resellers of Murphy beds actually offer mattresses adapted to each of their models. All you have to do is choose the one whose comfort and quality meet your expectations, so that every night is a pleasure.

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