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Sleep in question

Well-being and furnishing

Some answers to the questions we ask ourselves about sleep, this essential activity which takes up on average a third of our time!


  • What is the ideal length of a night?

According to scientists, the optimal length of a night is around 7 hours. You should know that it is preferable to go to bed before midnight for greater recovery. We go through different stages of sleep during a night, and the first half is the most restorative, while the second will be more fertile in dreams.

However, in all cases, the right pace is above all the one that suits you. Once you have found it, keep this rhythm as regular as possible, going to bed and getting up at a set time, to respect your biological clock.

sleep wake up

  • What is the ideal bedroom temperature?

The optimal temperature is between 18 and 20°C. An overheated atmosphere can make it difficult to fall asleep. Also remember to ventilate your room daily, for at least 10 minutes, to renew the air but also to maintain your bedding.

bedroom foot of the bed

  • What foods should you avoid to sleep well?

Obviously, it is better to avoid all exciting foods after 6 p.m.: coffee, tea, cola, alcohol (but also tobacco). You should also be careful to avoid foods that are too rich for your dinner: cold meats, fried foods, red meat, dishes with sauces, etc. as well as very sweet foods such as honey or jam, or even ice cream and candy.

sleep diet

  • What foods should you choose to sleep well?

Certain foods can help you fall asleep, including turkey, eggs, whole grains and apples. Be aware that foods with a low glycemic index (such as whole grains) limit glycemic peaks and facilitate serotonin metabolism.

Finally, the grandmother's remedy of infusion is always welcome, as long as it is not drunk too hot: then choose verbena, lemon balm or lime blossom, which are not very infused. Consider dining early as soon as you can, with the ideal being having your meal around 7:30 p.m. Eat light and calmly.

  • What are the steps to adopt for good sleep?

sleep stretching

Before bed: During the day, do some physical activity: walking, jogging, indoor sports, etc. On the other hand, do not practice any sport after 8 p.m., this would send too many signs of awakening to your body: cardiac stimulation, increase in body temperature, etc. On the contrary, favor calm and relaxing activities.

At bedtime: Choose a dark atmosphere, without a light source and if possible without any noise. Turn off your cell phone to avoid being disturbed but also because of the waves it emits. And it won't be long before sleep overtakes you!

child's room

If you have any other questions about sleep, don't hesitate to ask us in the comments! We will do our best to answer them. Also discover our advice for better choosing your mattress .

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