Canapé convertible qui grince : quelles sont les solutions

Squeaky sofa bed: what are the solutions

The sofa bed

What causes a sofa bed to squeak?

Squeaking noises may appear on sofa beds with a grid base . This is common and due to temperature variations (humidity, heat) . Over time, play develops and contact can be made between the different parts of the metal springs. Rest assured, however, a squeaky sofa bed does not necessarily mean that the sofa springs are broken.

It's not something serious, a sofa bed that squeaks but opens perfectly does not mean that it is damaged. However, the noise can be annoying on a daily basis. However, if your convertible no longer opens correctly or if you feel something abnormal when you lie on it, it is best to check the mechanical parts.

The importance of using the sofa bed properly

A sofa bed with a grid base can develop significant squeaks if it is not used correctly and if it is not maintained enough. Indeed, this convertible sofa bed base is not suitable for daily sleeping , but more for occasional sleeping. Daily use can make squeaks worse.

Precautions and maintenance to prevent squeaking

When you buy a sofa bed, you are making an investment, a product that will accompany you for many years in your daily life, provided you take care of it. Like a car, which must be taken to the garage from time to time for maintenance, you must maintain your convertible to increase its lifespan. We give you our advice on how to take care of it regularly and limit the squeaking of a grid base.

Use of lubricants: lubricate with penetrating oil

If you maintain your mechanics regularly, you will prevent your convertible from squeaking. When we talk about maintenance, we are particularly talking about using an oily substance every three or four months.

Before carrying out maintenance, you must remove the armrests and the mattress to access the metal structure of the sofa . Take a penetrating oil such as WD-40 , which you can easily find in supermarkets. Spray the product on the screws and joints, as well as on the springs . Follow our directions shown here:

While waiting to find your penetrating oil, you can use this grandmother's method which will limit squeaking: put a sheet between the grille and the mattress. This will bother you less.

My sofa bed squeaks a lot, can I get it back?

Indeed, by using the method set out above, it is entirely possible to greatly limit squeaking. But remember to oil your bed base approximately every three or four months to prevent squeaking from returning.

grid box spring

My sofa bed still squeaks, even with regular maintenance

Is your grid base still squeaking a lot, even after oiling the different parts? In this case, inspect the various screws and fixings. Listen carefully and try to find the part that seems to squeak the most. You may need to adjust a screw that has moved over time. If your sofa is still under warranty, do not hesitate to contact your seller.