The answer depends on the type of sofa bed . In general, it is possible to completely dismantle a sofa bed or rapido type convertible sofa. On the other hand, BZ , orconvertible sofa beds which incorporate a frame cannot generally be dismantled, like the bed base of the sofa bed, and must be transported in their entirety during a move.
Can you dismantle a classic sofa bed type sofa bed?
To clean the interior parts, repair part of the convertible sofa, to change the sofa bed base, for a move or even to clean the bed base, it may be appropriate to dismantle your convertible sofa. So, is this possible on all products?
You can dismantle a sofa bed if it is a sofa bed type model. To be sure that your furniture can be dismantled, make sure that the sides of the bed base are fixed to the wooden structure of the sofa bed. To allow dismantling, the springs of the convertible sofa must not be under tension either, otherwise they may break.
On the other hand, the BZ benches cannot be dismantled . It will therefore be necessary to ensure, during an acquisition or a move, that your product can pass through doors or even the stairwell.

Can a rapido type convertible sofa be dismantled?

Just like the clic-clac, the rapido type convertible sofa, where the furniture tilts without the need to remove the cushions, is generally dismantled without problem or great difficulty.
For any dismantling of a convertible sofa, rely on the instructions provided in the instructions which must specify the steps to follow (if the maneuver is possible). The operation of dismantling a convertible sofa takes no more than 15 minutes.
Generally, you can remove the armrests by pulling them upwards. You also have the option of dismantling the backrest depending on the model.
Be careful with this task so as not to damage the metal or slatted base.
Can we dismantle a convertible sofa that has a wooden frame?
The only exception: convertible sofas which have a wooden frame cannot be dismantled. It is a wooden outline which contains the convertible system of the furniture and a small mattress no more than 7 cm thick. If your convertible sofa has these characteristics, it cannot be dismantled, except for a few models which then specify the dismantling methods in the instructions .
Also discover our other guides, like how to unfold a convertible sofa