Opening hours

Safe Bed Stores in Paris 6
Come and discover our storage beds for your greatest comfort. Made in France and Europe, we offer you a variety of beds that combine comfort and space saving. From active slats to pedestals, we have drawer beds and storage beds in our showroom for additional useful storage space in your bedroom.

Buy a mattress in Paris
Discover our collection of mattresses for restful nights. Made in France and Europe, we offer several brands such as Simmons, Tréca, Swissflex, Lattoflex... Latex, memory foam, alveolar foam or spring mattresses, the choice is yours.
You also have the opportunity to visit our other bedding stores in France, including:
- The Mozart Bed Paris 16
- The Richard Lenoir Bed Paris 11
- The Malesherbes Bed Paris 8

Visit our store at 135 Boulevard Raspail in the 6th Arrondissement of Paris or contact us by telephone on 01 71 18 35 02, our advisors will be happy to guide you and provide you with information.